Interdisciplinary Publishing Academia (IPAcademia) is a pioneering organization in scholarly open-access publishing, dedicated to supporting academic communities worldwide. Based in Duhok, in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, IPAcademia is committed to fostering open scientific exchange across all disciplines and in various forms. As part of this mission, we have recently launched the following journals:
The Journal of Applied Science and Technology Trends (JASTT) with ISSN: 2708-0757 is a peer-reviewed journal and seeks to provide an advanced forum on all aspects of applied sciences, specifically addressing issues that relate to technological developments in the Tropics. JASTT publishes wide research articles as well as reviews, experiments, experiences, modeling, simulations, designs, innovations from engineering, technical and science, and its related disciplines as well as interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary/multidisciplinary subjects.
The Journal of Life and Bio-sciences Research (JLBSR) with ISSN: 2708-1818, is an international, interdisciplinary electronic, double-blind, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing, and open access journal. JLBSR publishes review papers, original research papers, and case reports in all areas of biological and life sciences. JLBSR’s mission is to encourage scientists to publish their results and disseminate and promote new knowledge while contributing to the development of science in the country and the world.
The Journal of Civil Engineering Frontiers (JoCEF) with ISSN: 2709-6904 is a peer-reviewed journal and seeks to provide an advanced forum on all aspects of Civil Engineering Research, specifically addressing issues that relate to Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Survey, and Geospatial Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Petroleum Engineering, Construction Engineering, Solid Mechanics, Structural Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Engineering Management